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The Bush administration is asking Congress for 700-billion dollars for a major financial intervention plan aimed at easing global economic turmoil.

In his weekly radio address today (Saturday), President Bush said government intervention in this case is essential because of the risk the crisis in financial markets poses to ordinary American citizens.

The plan calls for the government to purchase bad debt -- such as mortgages that can not be paid back -- from U.S. financial institutions, which have lost money after making risky loans.

Mr. Bush says the program requires putting a lot of taxpayer's money at risk, but he said doing so will cost less than doing nothing.

Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama says he supports the efforts of Bush administration officials in charge of the rescue plan (-- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke). In his party's radio address, Senator Obama said they should find a solution that helps people cope with rising gas and food prices, and that encourages job creation.