메드베데프 대통령, '나토와 관계 중단' 경고 (E)

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Russian President Dmitri Medvedev says his country is prepared to end all ties with NATO, over growing differences with the Western alliance on Russia's military incursion into Georgia.

Mr. Medvedev said today (Monday) that any decision to sever links with NATO would be difficult for both sides. But he told reporters (in Sochi) Russia will survive, and that any break-up will be precipitated by the West.

The comments came just days after Russia informed NATO that it is halting military cooperation with the Western alliance.

The Russian leader also accused NATO members of "provoking" increasingly strained ties with Moscow. He mentioned NATO expansion and said NATO bases surround his country "from all sides."

Top Russian leaders have broadly criticized Georgian and Ukrainian aspirations for NATO membership. Both also condemned a U.S. plan to provide NATO with a missile interceptor system for deployment in eastern Europe.