미국, 이라크와 안보협상 타결 임박

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미국의 콘돌리자 라이스 국무장관과 이라크의 호샤아르 제바리 외무장관은 그러나 오늘 바그다드에서 가진 기자회견에서 아직 협정에 서명할 단계는 아니라고 말했습니다.

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라이스 장관은 이라크측과의 합의에서 이라크의 주권을 존중할 것이라고 말했습니다.


The top U.S. and Iraqi diplomats say they are close to agreeing on the future of U.S. forces in Iraq.But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told reporters in Baghdad today (Thursday)that no deal has yet been signed.

Rice is in the Iraqi capital on an unannounced visit. She is negotiating a deal that will govern U.S. troop levels after a United Nations mandate expires at the end of the year. Also at issue is what amount of immunity will be offered to U.S. soldiers who serve there.

Rice said the United States will respect Iraqi sovereignty under any agreement. Foreign Minister Zebari added that there is "no hidden agenda" in the negotiations.

The U.S. diplomat also congratulated her Iraqi counterpart on his recent work "re-connecting" Iraq with other nations in the region.