류샹, 다리 부상으로 경기 포기 (E)

베이징 올림픽 소식입니다. 한국이 18일 2008 베이징 올림픽 남자탁구 단체전에서 동메달을 건졌습니다. 한국은 남자단체 3위 결정전에서 오스트리아를 3-1로 눌렀습니다.

중국의 육상 영웅, 류샹이 남자 허들 1백10미터 예선에서 오른쪽 다리 부상으로 경기를 포기했습니다. 전 세계기록 보유자이기도 한 류샹은 2004년 아테네 올림픽에서 금메달을 땄으며 이번 대회에서 중국인들의 높은 기대를 받아왔습니다.

여자 장대 높이뛰기에서는 러시아의 옐레나 이신바예바가 통산 24번째 세계신기록을 세우며 우승했습니다. 이신바예바는 결승에서 5m5를 넘어 지난달 말 작성한 5m4를 1㎝ 경신하면서 2004 아테네올림픽에 이어 2연패에 성공했습니다.

남자 역도 105 킬로그램급 경기에서는 벨로루시의 안드레이 아람나우가 세계신고록 3개를 갈아치우면서 벨로루시에 첫 금메달을 안겨줬습니다.

현재 메달 종합순위에서 중국이 금메달 39개와 은메달과 동메달 각각 14개를 획득해 1위를 달리고 있으며 그 뒤로 미국과 영국, 호주, 독일 순입니다.

한국은 금빛 퍼레이드가 잠시 숨고르기에 들어가 종합순위 6위에서 7위로 한단계 내려앉았습니다. 한국은 금메달 8개, 은메달 9개, 동메달 6개를 얻은 상태입니다. 북한은 금메달 2개, 은메달 1개, 동메달 3개를 획득해 종합 21위를 차지하고 있습니다.


Chinese world champion Liu Xiang has pulled out of the Olympic men's 110-meters hurdles race because of a (right) leg injury, and will not compete in front of his home fans.

Liu pulled up in pain before the first hurdle in a qualifying heat at the Bird's Nest stadium (today / Monday). The former world record holder in the event, Liu was the 2004 Olympic champion and was a main attraction for Chinese fans.

World champion Andrei Aramnau broke three world records in the 105-kilogram division to give Belarus its first Olympic gold medal in weightlifting. Aramnau set new world marks in the snatch (200-kilos), clean and jerk (236-kilos) and total lifted (436 kilos) on the way to the gold.

China's He Kexin defeated women's all-around gymnastics champion Nastia Liukin of the United States in a tiebreaker to win the uneven bars gold medal. Both women were given scores of 16-point-seven-two-five, but He got the gold because her execution marks were closer to a perfect 10. The Chinese gymnast has been at the center of a controversy over whether she is really the minimum age of 16 to compete.

He Wenna of China picked up the gold in the women's trampoline (with a score of 37.80).

In men's gymnastics, China's Chen Yibing won the gold in the men's still rings, while the men's vault gold was won by Poland's Leszek Blanik in a tiebreaker.

In track and field events, Yelena Isinbayeva of Russia improved her own world record and won her second straight gold medal in the women's pole vault. The reigning Olympic champion vaulted five-point-zero-five meters to improve her old mark by one-centimeter.

Brimin Kipruto continued Kenya's dominance in the men's three-thousand meter steeplechase, taking the gold in eight minutes and 10-point-three-four seconds. Kenyan runners took gold and silver in the women's 800-meters, with Pamela Jelimo crossing the line first, in one minute and 54-point-eight-seven seconds.

Stephanie Brown Trafton of the United States won the women's discus gold with a toss of 64-point-seven-four meters, while American Angelo Taylor captured the men's 400-meter hurdles gold in 47-point-two-five seconds. Irving Saladino has given Panama its first Olympic gold medal by winning the men's long jump with a leap of eight-point-three-four meters.

China captured the men's gold medal in team table tennis with a 3-0 win over Germany, and the United States won the equestrian team jumping gold by winning a jump-off against silver medalist Canada.