무샤라프 파키스탄 대통령 사임

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Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has resigned from office to avoid impeachment, ending nine turbulent years in power.

Mr. Musharraf denied any wrongdoing and called the charges against him baseless when he spoke to the nation in a live television broadcast today (Monday).His announcement came towards the end of the hour-long speech, during which he strongly defended his leadership.

It is not clear if Mr. Musharraf will stay in Pakistan or go into exile. Senate chairman Mohammedmian Soomro will serve as acting president.

Pakistan's current coalition partners Ali Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif met in the capital, Islamabad, after the announcement. Several issues remain unresolved, including who will take over the presidency, the restoration of top judges fired by the Pakistani leader and whether to prosecute Mr. Musharraf.

He was soundly defeated by his political opponents during elections earlier this year. The ruling coalition moved to impeach Mr. Musharraf, accusing him of misconduct and violating the constitution when he imposed emergency in November 2007.