부시 대통령, 중국 정부에 표현의 자유 보장 촉구 (E)

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U.S. President George Bush has made another appeal for freedom of expression in China, hours ahead of the start of the Beijing Olympic Games.

Mr. Bush spoke today (Friday) during a dedication ceremony for a new U.S. embassy complex in the Chinese capital. He said societies that allow the free expression of ideas tend to be the most prosperous and the most peaceful.

The U.S. president also said the new embassy reflects the solid foundations of U.S.-China relations. He noted that China opened a new embassy in Washington last week.

Chinese State Councilor (and Deputy Foreign Minister)Dai Bingguo participated in the Beijing ceremony. He called for China and the United States to properly manage their differences on sensitive issues.

Dai also recalled the role former U.S. President George H.W. Bush played in normalizing relations nearly 30 years ago.