빈 라덴 운전기사, 테러 지원 ‘유죄’ 판결 (E)

국제 테러조직, 알 카에다 두목, 오바마 빈 라덴의 운전 기사였던 살림 햄단이 미군 장교 배심원단에 의해 테러 지원 자료를 제공한 혐의로 유죄판결을 받았습니다.

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백악관은 햄단이 군 체계 내에서 공정한 재판을 받았다고 말했습니다.


A jury of U.S. military officers has convicted Salim Hamdan, a former driver for al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden, of providing material support to terrorism.

Hamdan appeared to weep as the court read the verdict today (Wednesday) in the first full trial at the U.S. military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He faces a possible life sentence.

Hamdan was cleared of a conspiracy charge.

The White House says Hamdan received a fair trial under the military system. A White House spokesman (Tony Fratto) says Hamdan was presumed innocent and had an opportunity to present a defense to the charges against him.

During the two-week trial by military commission, prosecutors said Hamdan was an active al-Qaida member who delivered weapons and helped protect bin Laden. Defense attorneys argued the Yemeni was a simple man who just wanted to earn a living and was not part of al-Qaida.