한국, 부시 미 대통령 방문 관련 시위(E)

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Tens of thousands of South Koreans have demonstrated upon the arrival of U.S. President George Bush in Seoul.

South Korean police used water canons to disperse some of the protesters Tuesday. Many of the demonstrators shouted slogans against President Bush and U.S. beef imports, while others protested the South Korean government and globalization.

Police arrested 12 activists. But the protest was far more restrained than the violent demonstrations that forced Mr. Bush to postpone a visit to Seoul last month.

Earlier, thousands of South Koreans held a counter-demonstration welcoming President Bush.

Mr. Bush and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak are scheduled Wednesday to discuss trade and North Korea's nuclear program.

Mr. Bush then travels to Thailand and China, where he will attend the Beijing Olympics.