미 항공모함, 14일 부산항 입항 (E)

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The U.S. military says the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan will make a port call in South Korea next week.

U.S. Forces Korea officials say (today / Thursday) the carrier will arrive in the southern port of Busan on Monday for a week-long visit.

The announcement was made as the United States, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea resume disarmament talks with North Korea in Beijing.

South Korea's Yonhap news agency quotes a spokesman for U.S. Forces in Korea (Kim Young-kyu) as saying the call is routine and will provide an opportunity to the ships crew to rest and to volunteer in community services.

The USS Ronald Reagan is the newest and largest of America's nuclear-powered Nimitz-class air craft carriers. It last visited South Korea in 2007 for joint military exercises.