예루살렘 도심서 불도저 돌진, 시민 최소 3명 사망 (E)

이스라엘의 예루살렘 도심에서 2일 불도저 한대가 버스와 다른 차량으로 돌진해 최소 3명이 숨지고 40명이 부상했습니다. 불도저를 운전한 팔레스타인남자는 현장에서 경찰에 의해 사살됐습니다.

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경찰은 불도저 운전수가 동 예루살렘 출신의 팔레스타인 인이라고 밝히고 이스라엘 정부 대변인은 범인이 사고 현장에서 작업하던 하청업체 직원이라고 밝혔습니다.

경찰에 따르면 도심의 버스 정류장 근처의 분주한 도로에서 불도저가 돌진해 이와 충돌한 버스가 전복되면서 몇 대의 다른 차량에 부딪쳤습니다.


The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan says one of its helicopters has been shot down south of the Afghan capital, but there were no serious injuries to the people onboard.

A coalition statement said small-arms fire downed the helicopter in the Kharwar district of Logar province early today (Wednesday). Officials say the pilots landed the aircraft and evacuated everyone before it caught fire.

Also today, NATO forces said a suicide car bomber attacked a NATO patrol near the southern Afghan town of Spin Boldak, along the border with Pakistan. The alliance had no details of casualties, but an Afghan border police commander (General Abdul Raziq) said at least four people were wounded, including two security officers.

On Tuesday, Afghan authorities said unknown gunmen kidnapped a Chinese road engineer and his driver in the central province of Wardak. The driver was later released. No one has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping.