이스라엘 ‘기습 작전으로 팔레스타인 측 2명 사망’

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The Israeli military says its troops have killed two Palestinian militants during an overnight raid in the West Bank.

A military spokesman says the men were killed during an exchange of fire with troops early today (Tuesday) in the city of Nablus. It says at least one of the militants was wanted for planning anti-Israeli attacks.

The Islamic Jihad militant group confirmed one of its senior members (Tarek Juma) was killed in the raid. Hours later, the group claimed responsibility for two rocket attacks from Gaza on southern Israel in retaliation for the raid.

Israeli officials say no one was wounded in the attacks on the southern town of Sderot today.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office called the incident a violation of a cease-fire that took effect last week in and around the Hamas-ruled territory. The Palestinian militant group says it remains committed to the truce.

The cease-fire between Israel and Hamas applies specifically to the Gaza Strip and does not formally include the West Bank.