'부시 미 행정부, 테러 용의자 억류 관련 법률기구 자문 거듭 무시' - 워싱턴 포스트 (E)

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A U.S. media report says the Bush administration repeatedly ignored the legal advice of senior lawyers about its policy to indefinitely detain terrorism suspects at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The Washington Post newspaper quotes current and former administration officials who say the Bush administration dismissed warnings that the policy would likely be challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court.

The report cites an e-mail by a top State Department lawyer (John Bellinger) who said he virtually guaranteed federal courts would not uphold the practice of indefinitely detaining so-called "enemy combatants".

The U.S. Supreme court ruled earlier this month that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay may challenge their detentions in a civilian court.

Some of the detainees have been held for more than six years.

The Bush administration views the tribunal system at the military facility as a valid alternative to the U.S. federal court system, in part, to protect secret evidence.