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유럽연합의 베니타 페레로 발트너 대외담당 집행위원은 어제 벨기에의 수도 브뤼셀에서 열린 유럽연합 외무장관 회의에서 이같이 발표했습니다.

페레로 발트터 집행위원은 쿠바의 라울 카스트로 국가평의회 의장이 피델 카스트로 전 의장으로부터 권력을 이양받은 후 쿠바의 변화를 독려할 필요가 제기됐다고 설명했습니다.

유럽연합은 지난 2003년 쿠바 정부가 75명의 반체제 인사들을 투옥하자 쿠바에 경제제재를 가했습니다. 그뒤 유럽연합은 지난 2005년 쿠바에 대한 경제제재를 중단했으나, 해제하지는 않았습니다.


The European Union's external affairs commissioner says the 27-member bloc has agreed to lift sanctions against Cuba.

Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner made the announcement Thursday in Brussels at a meeting of the bloc's foreign ministers.

EU sanctions were imposed on communist-led Cuba in 2003 after 75 dissidents were jailed. The sanctions were suspended in 2005, but not lifted altogether. Countries such as Spain had called for an end to them.

But some members of the bloc had been reluctant to lift the sanctions, saying they wanted to see what Cuba did about human rights issues.

Explaining the decision, Ferrero-Waldner said the EU felt it needed to encourage change in Cuba after Raul Castro took over as head of government from his ailing brother Fidel. EU sources said the decision to lift sanctions will be reviewed after one year.