부시 대통령, 메르켈 독일 총리와 회담 마쳐 (E)

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U.S. President George Bush says diplomacy is the first choice in dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions but all options remain open.

Speaking in Germany after talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr. Bush stressed that the international community will work together to resolve the issue and warned of additional sanctions.

The German leader said that diplomatic pressure has produced results but stressed that new sanctions will be necessary if Iran fails to suspend its uranium enrichment work.

Their comments followed wide-ranging discussions on such issues as global trade and climate change.

Mr. Bush reaffirmed his belief that the 2003 U.S. led invasion of Iraq was the right decision and said he does not regret it. He also stressed that the U.S is not seeking permanent bases in Iraq.

He thanked Germany for its help in Middle East peace efforts and its assistance to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.