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한편 한국 정부 대변인은 한승수 총리를 비롯한 내각 전원이 이 대통령에게 사임의사를 밝혔다고 전했습니다. 이에 대한 이 대통령의 반응은 아직 나오지 않고 있습니다.


Anti-government protesters have gathered in the South Korean capital, Seoul, in the biggest demonstration yet over the country's decision to lift a ban on U.S. beef imports.

Estimates of the crowds range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

Tens of thousands of riot police and soldiers were deployed to control a candlelight vigil, and large shipping containers are being used to block streets around the presidential residence. Demonstrators waved candles and chanted slogans critical of President Lee Myung-bak -- but the gathering appeared to be peaceful.

About 500 people staged a counter-protest, supporting the resumption of U.S. beef imports.

The beef issue has pushed President Lee's already plummeting approval rating even lower just months after he took office in February.

Earlier today, a government spokesman said Prime Minister Han Seung-soo and South Korea's entire Cabinet offered resignations to President Lee during a weekly Cabinet meeting. There is no word on his response.