유엔, 세계 식량위기 막기 위한 긴급조치 촉구 (E)

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The United Nations is calling for urgent action to ease the global food crisis that officials say threatens to push millions of people across the globe into poverty and to the brink of starvation.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today (Tuesday) addressed an international food summit in Rome urging world leaders to boost food output by 50 percent over the next two decades.

The U.N. chief called on governments to administer direct food aid and to supply small farmers in stricken countries with seed and fertilizer before this year's planting seasons. He also urged the elimination of trade and taxation policies that he says distort markets.

In a message, Pope Benedict told delegates that hunger and malnutrition are, in his words, "unacceptable in a world where resources and knowledge" can solve the crisis.

The Rome-based U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization is hosting the three-day summit.