네팔 전 국왕, 왕궁 떠나기로 합의 (E)

네팔의 제헌의회가 왕정을 폐지하기로 공식 결정한 데 이어, 갸넨드라 전 국왕이 왕궁을 떠나기로 합의했습니다.

네팔 내무부는 갸넨드라 전 국왕이 오는 12일까지 왕궁을 떠나기로 했다고 밝혔습니다. 갸넨드라 전 국왕은 새 거처를 마련하는데 정부가 도와줄 것을 요청했습니다. 왕궁은 국립박물관으로 개조될 예정입니다.

갸넨드라 전 국왕은 지난달 28일 제헌의회가 2백39년 역사의 네팔 왕정을 폐지하는 법안을 압도적인 표차로 통과시킴에 따라 왕권을 박탈당했습니다.


Nepal's deposed King Gyanendra has agreed to leave the royal palace after a decision by a newly-elected Constituent Assembly to abolish the monarchy.

A home minister (Krishna Sitaula), who met with the former king today (Monday), said he will move out of the palace by June 12th. King Gyanendra has asked the government to help him find new housing.

The palace is located in Gorkha, some 80 kilometers west of the capital, Katmandu.

King Gyanendra was deposed Wednesday after Nepal's Constituent Assembly voted overwhelmingly (560 to four) to bring an end to the 239-year-old monarchy. The palace is to be turned into a national museum.

The Communist Party of Nepal (the former Maoist rebels) is set to lead the country's next government. It emerged as the largest political force in April's elections for a special assembly to draft a new constitution.