EU 재무장관, 유류세 인하 관련 회담 개최 (E)

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Finance ministers of the 15 countries using the single European currency, the euro, have given a cool reception to French calls for a cut in fuel taxes to ease the burden of soaring fuel prices.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy last week called for a cap on sales taxes on fuel following major protests by truckers and fishermen over the sharply rising prices.

German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck called the jump in prices a challenge. But he said it would be better not to react politically or try to intervene. His Spanish counterpart Pedro Solbes stressed the need for reducing consumption and increasing energy efficiency and said cutting taxes will not help. They spoke as the ministers met in Frankfurt.

Meanwhile, there were fresh protests by French truckers and taxi drivers who blocked entrances to La Mede oil refinery near Marseilles.