한국 경찰, 미국산 쇠고기 수입반대 시위자 대거 연행

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이들은 이명박 대통령에게 한국이 미국산 쇠고기 수입 제재 조치를 완화하기 위해 지난 달 미국과 체결한 협상을 무효화할 것을 요구하고 있습니다. 쇠고기 협상 타결은 한국과 미국간 자유무역협정 비준을 위한 일종의 전제 조건이었습니다.


South Korean police are using force and mass arrests to try to control thousands of people who are protesting the planned resumption of U.S. beef imports.

Police say they arrested 228 people early Sunday morning, after at least 20-thousand people took to the streets in Seoul Saturday night. Security forces also used water cannon to block protesters from marching toward the presidential Blue House.

Activists have been protesting U.S. beef almost daily for a month, saying they are worried about the safety of the meat. They are demanding President Lee Myung-Bak cancel the deal he made last month with the U.S. to lift restrictions on beef imports. The beef deal was a condition the United States set for a larger free trade agreement.