이란, 유럽연합 외교정책 대표와 핵회담 수용 (E)

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Iran has agreed to a visit by the European Union's foreign policy chief, who will deliver a proposal for Tehran to stop enriching uranium.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told local news agencies today (Tuesday) that Tehran has accepted Javier Solana's request for a visit. But he did not say when that visit would take place.

Solana will deliver a package of incentives drafted by the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, plus Germany.

The incentives are part of a two-track strategy to persuade Iran to stop enriching uranium. The package offers benefits for compliance with the Security Council demands, and sanctions for defying them.

Solana is expected to be joined by envoys from France, Britain, China, Russia and Germany.