중국 지진으로 4백여개 댐에 안전 문제 (E)

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천레이 수리부장은 15일 진앙지 주변 약 4백 개의 댐에 심각한 안전 문제가 있다고 밝혔습니다. 당국자들은 또 진도 7.9의 지진으로 댐과 다른 기반 시설이 약화됐으며 이들이 무너질 수도 있다고 경고했습니다.

중국 관영 언론은 피해자들이 재난에 대응할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 지진 발생지에 10명의 정신과 전문의들이15일 도착했다고 보도했습니다. 신체적인 부상을 당한 이들은 최소 6만 5천명에 달합니다.

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China is racing against time to rescue more of at least 30-thousand people believed to be buried beneath the rubble from Monday's quake in Sichuan province.

The official death toll has risen to more than 19-thousand-500, but the government says it could reach 50-thousand as rescuers continue to sift through damaged infrastructure and debris.

China's water minister (Chen Lei) said on Thursday there are major safety issues with some 400 dams in the affected zone. Officials also warn that the dams and other infrastructure weakened by the seven-point-nine magnitude quake could yet collapse.

State media report that 10 mental health workers arrived to the earthquake zone on Thursday to help survivors cope with disaster. More than 65-thousand people were physically injured during the earthquake.

Health officials warn that shortages of food, clean water and medical supplies could lead to disease outbreaks.