베이루트 장례식장에서 총격, 2명 사망 (E)

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지난 7일 베이루트에서 교전이 시작된 이래 최소 20명이 사망했습니다.


Authorities in Lebanon say at least two people are dead after gunmen opened fire on a funeral procession today (Saturday) in the violence-wracked capital of Beirut.

The attack occurred as mourners were carrying the body of a 24-year-old man killed in this week's clashes between Hezbollah and supporters of Lebanon's U.S.-backed government.

The latest incident shattered the relative calm in Beirut after three days of deadly sectarian fighting.

Hezbollah and its Shi'ite allies seized control of many western Beirut neighborhoods from pro-government Sunnis.

At least 20 people have been killed in Lebanon since fighting broke out Wednesday.