국제사면위원회, 올림픽 앞두고 대 중국 압박 강화 (E)

영국 런던에 본부를 둔 인권단체 국제사면위원회는 중국의 인권 상황이 베이징 올림픽을 앞두고 심각하게 악화되고 있다고 지적했습니다.

국제사면위원회의 티 쿠마르 아시아 담당국장은 중국 당국이 베이징 올림픽을 빌미로 자유를 탄압하고 있다고 비난했습니다.

쿠마르 국장은 중국이 이른바 ‘애국적 재교육’이라는 미명아래 수십만 명을 기소하지도 않은 채 구금하고 있다고 말했습니다.


London-based Amnesty International says human rights are eroding significantly in China ahead of the August Beijing Olympics.

The rights group's Asia advocacy directory T. Kumar said Thursday that Chinese authorities are using the Olympics as an excuse for a crack down on freedoms.

Kumar says China has detained hundreds of thousands of people and held them without charge as part of what it calls a "patriotic education" campaign.

He said Amnesty is not against China hosting the Olympics and has not called for a boycott. Kumar instead called for U.S. corporate sponsors of the Olympics to speak out about violations.

Earlier Thursday, China celebrated the successful climb to the summit of the world's highest mountain by a team of Chinese mountaineers carrying the Olympic flame.