버마 태풍 사망자 2만 2천명으로 늘어 (E)

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The international community is offering aid to military-ruled Burma as the death toll from Saturday's cyclone has risen to more than 22-thousand.

A United Nations representative (Rashid Khalikov, director of the office for coordination of humanitarian affairs) says U.N. staffers who were already in Burma are distributing supplies they had stored within the country. He said that some supplies are being moved into Burma from regional stockpiles, but no new workers have been granted visas to go in and help.

The spokesman said a number of aid workers from the U.N. and other organizations are waiting in Bangkok, Thailand, for permission to enter Burma.

Burmese officials say the death toll could rise further as information comes in from hard-to-reach areas. About 41-thousand people are missing, and hundreds of thousands of people are in need of shelter, food and drinkable water.