아시아개발은행 '식량가 급등으로 10억명 피해' (E)

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웨이드 대통령은 기아를 겪는 주민에게 임시적으로 식량을 지원하기보다는, 이들이 식량 자급능력을 갖출 수 있도록 도와야 한다고 말했습니다. 웨이드 대통령은 유엔 산하 식량농업기구의 노력이 '헛된 낭비'였다고 비난했습니다.


The head of the Asian Development Bank says the recent surge in food prices has already "greatly affected" more than one billion poor people in the Asia Pacific region alone.

In a speech in Spain, (today/Monday,) Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda said soaring food and fuel prices could hurt decades of economic progress in the region.

He pledged financial help for governments, and longer-term efforts to boost food production research and to help farmers by improving rural infrastructure.

Other efforts to help the poor cope with the food crisis drew sharp criticism from Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade.

Mr. Wade called the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization a wasteful failure. And he said food aid should shift focus from donations that feed people temporarily to investments that help people become self-sufficient.