올메르트 ‘부패혐의로 이-팔 평화협정 방해 못해’(E)

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Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has told his cabinet that new allegations of corruption against him will not interfere with his efforts to pursue peace with the Palestinians.

Mr. Olmert addressed the issue as he opened his weekly cabinet meeting earlier today (Sunday). He said he has an agenda as prime minister of Israel and he intends to continue with that agenda.

Details of the allegations against Mr. Olmert have not been made public under a court order. But media reports say police suspect the prime minister has received bribes or illegal campaign contributions.

Police made a visit to the prime minister's residence on Friday and the scandal has dominated Israeli news since then.

Mr. Olmert said the investigation has unleashed a wave of what he called malicious and wicked rumors which he said would be put to rest when the facts become clear.