국제펜클럽, 중국에 투옥작가 석방 촉구 (E)

국제 문학작가협회인 국제펜클럽은 중국 정부에 대해 인권개선약속을 이행하고 베이징 올림픽개막에 앞서 투옥된 중국인 작가들을 석방할 것을 촉구했습니다.

국제펜클럽 회원 3천명은 39명의 중국인 작가를 석방할 것을 요구하는 청원서에 서명했습니다.

국제펜클럽은 전세계 지부들을 통해 각국 정부에 압력을 가해 중국 당국과 작가 석방문제를 주요 의제로 삼도록 할 방침이라고 밝혔습니다.


The international writers group PEN is calling on China to live up to its promise to improve human rights ahead of the summer olympics and release imprisoned writers in the country.

Three thousand members of the organization have signed a petition demanding China release 39 writers the group believes are being held in Chinese prisons.

The group told reporters Thursday it is not calling for an Olympic boycott, but rather is pressuring governments through its national chapters.

PEN International Program Head Larry Siems says the group is calling on its members to push their own governments to make the issue a priority in all discussions with Chinese authorities this year.

Writer Salman Rushdie - who lived in seclusion for nearly 10 years after one of his novels provoked threats from Muslim extremist nations - says PEN's methods could work. He says totalitarian regimes do not like being shamed in public.