미 연방준비제도이사회, 금리 추가 인하할듯 (E)

미국의 중앙은행인 연방준비제도이사회가 오늘 이틀간의 회의를 마치면서 금리 추가 인하를 발표할것으로 예상됩니다.

연방 준비제도 이사회, 공개시장위원회는 기준금리를 0.25% 포인트 인하해 2%로 결정할 것으로 예상되고 있습니다.

이번에 기준금리가 추가 인하된다면, 이는 지난해 9월이래, 미국 연방준비 제도이사회의 일곱번째 금리인하조치가 됩니다.


The U.S. Federal Reserve is expected to announce another cut in interest rates when it concludes a two-day meeting today (Wednesday) in Washington.

Observers say the central bank's Open Market Committee will likely impose a cut of a quarter of a percentage point, lowering the overall rate to just two percent.

It would be the seventh time since last September the Federal Reserve has lowered the federal funds rate, which is the rate that banks and other depository institutions charge when they lend money to each other, usually on an overnight basis.

The U.S. Commerce Department will report on the country's gross domestic product just hours before the Fed finishes its meeting. Analysts expect the report to show the slowest growth in five years.