말라키 이라크 총리, 알 카에다 격퇴 자신 (E)

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한편 이라크 남부도시 바스라에서 16일 연합군의 공습으로 명의 시아파 민병대 4명이 사망하고 1명이 부상했다고 영국 군 당국이 밝혔습니다.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says he is more confident than ever that al-Qaida in Iraq will be defeated.

Mr. Maliki today (Wednesday) spoke to members of the European Parliament during a visit to EU headquarters in Brussels. He said his government is "determined to defeat terrorism."

In military operations in Iraq today, British officials say a coalition airstrike killed four militants and wounded another in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.

A British military spokesman (Major Tom Holloway) said the strike targeted a group carrying rocket-propelled grenades.

In other violence, the U.S. military says two soldiers were killed earlier this week in a roadside bomb attack in Anbar province.

On Tuesday, a series of bombings in Sunni Arab areas of Iraq killed more than 50 people and wounded 94 others.