푸틴 러시아 대통령, 통합러시아당 총재직 수락 (E)

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Russian President Vladimir Putin, set to become prime minister next month, has agreed to lead the country's dominant United Russia Party.

The two-term president, who leaves office May seventh, agreed to accept the leadership post at a party congress today (Tuesday) in Moscow. Analysts say the move will boost Mr. Putin's power base in parliament and guarantee he retains enormous influence in Russian political life for years to come.

United Russia controls 70 percent of the seats in the lower house (the State Duma).

Meanwhile, President-elect Dimitri Medvedev has declined to join United Russia.

Mr. Medvedev -- Mr. Putin's hand-picked successor -- says he wants to avoid ties to any single political party at this time.

During last month's election, Mr. Medvedev professed his strong loyalty to Mr. Putin at every turn.