중국, 베이징 올림픽 노린 테러 조직 검거 (E)

중국 당국이 베이징 올림픽 경기를 노린 두 개의 테러 조직을 검거했다고 밝혔습니다.

중국 공안부는 회교도 위구르 족들이 대다수인 서부 신장지역에서 적어도 45명의 용의자들을 체포했다고 밝혔습니다. 중국 경찰은 수 킬로그램의 폭발물과 다른 테러 장비들을 압수했습니다. 중국 당국은 이번에 검거된 테러조직들이 베이징 올림픽에 참가하는 선수들과 외신 기자, 올림픽 방문객들을 납치할 계획이었다고 밝혔습니다.

Chinese authorities say they have broken up two terrorist groups planning to carry out attacks against the upcoming Beijing Olympic games.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Public Security says at least 45 suspects have been detained in the western Xinjiang region, which is dominated by ethnic Muslim Uighurs. Police also seized several kilos of explosives and extremist material. The terrorist ring was allegedly planning to kidnap athletes, foreign journalists and other visitors to the Olympics.

The spokesman also said a group arrested in January was making explosives to use against hotels, government offices and various military targets Beijing and Shanghai.

The terrorists were allegedly given their orders by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, a group labeled as a terrorist organization by the United States.