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The two top U.S. officials in Iraq faced a second day of scrutiny today by U.S. lawmakers, who asked questions about progress on the war and when more U.S. troops can come home.

General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker gave members of the House Armed Services Committee the same assessment of the war that they gave to Senators on Tuesday -- that security in Iraq has improved, but it is fragile and reversible.

House Democrats repeatedly asked General Petraeus for a firm timetable of further withdrawals of U.S. troops. On Tuesday, Petraeus recommended an indefinite pause in July after pulling out thousands of extra U.S. troops sent last year to quell violence.

The general again refused to be specific today, saying military commanders needed time to evaluate conditions on the ground.

On the political front, Ambassador Crocker told the House panel, the United States has begun negotiating a bilateral agreement with Iraq. He said the proposed deal will not include allowing permanent U.S. bases in Iraq.