부시 미 대통령, 나토 확대 역설 (E)

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U.S. President George W. Bush has urged NATO to continue its eastward expansion and provide more troops for military operations in Afghanistan.

Speaking (today/Wednesday) in Bucharest ahead of the NATO summit, Mr. Bush said Ukraine and Georgia should be put on the path to membership in the alliance. He stressed that NATO membership must remain open to all European democracies that seek it.

The two former Soviet republics are seeking a membership action plan, or MAP -- a move strongly opposed by Russia, which sees NATO's eastern expansion as a threat.

President Bush also urged Russia to drop its opposition to U.S. plans to install a missile defense shield in central Europe. Mr. Bush said it is needed because countries like Iran are pursuing ballistic missiles that could strike Europe.

On Afghanistan, Mr. Bush urged fellow NATO members to send more troops in an effort to "finish the fight" against insurgents. He said any let up would allow extremists to re-establish safe havens across the country.