짐바브웨 총선 결과 공개 지연 (E)

짐바브웨에서 지난 29일 실시된 대통령 선거와 국회의원 총선거의 결과 공개가 계속 늦어지고 있는 가운데, 짐바브웨 제1 야당은 총선 승리를 주장했습니다.

집바브웨 선거위원회가 가장 최근에 발표한 결과에 따르면, 집권당인 자누 PF 당과 제1야당인 민주변화운동이 전체 210석의 국회의석 가운데 각각 26석을 차지했습니다.

그러나, 선거가 끝난 지 약 48시간이 지났지만 아직 대통령 선거 결과는 발표되지 않고 있습니다.

민주변화운동은 공표된 결과에 이의를 제기하면서 자체 집계 결과, 공표된 128개 선거구에서 96석을 얻은 것으로

나타났다고 밝혔습니다. 또한 민주변화운동은 대통령 선거에서도 당 설립자인 모간 창기라이 후보가 로버트 무가베 대통령에 60% 대 30%로 앞서고 있다고 말했습니다.

이처럼 공식 결과 발표가 지연되면서 선거 조작 가능성에 대한 우려가 불거지고 있습니다. 미 국무부의 톰 케이시 부대변인은 31일, 짐바브웨 선거위원회에 정확한 개표를 촉구했습니다.


Zimbabwe's main opposition party is claiming victory in the country's general elections, as electoral officials continue a slow release of results from Saturday's vote.

The latest results from Zimbabwe's electoral commission today show the ruling ZANU-PF party and the opposition Movement for Democratic Change each winning 26 parliamentary seats out of a total 210.

No presidential results have been announced, more than 48 hours after the end of voting.

The MDC disputes the published results, saying its own tally shows the party winning seats in 96 out of 128 parliamentary districts where results have been posted. It also says party founder Morgan Tsvangirai is leading President Robert Mugabe in the presidential race 60 to 30 percent.

The delay in releasing official results has prompted fears about possible vote-rigging. A U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey today called on Zimbabwe's electoral commission to, in his words, "do the right thing" and count the votes accurately.

Britain, Germany, and the European Union all called on the commission to publish the results as soon as possible.

The election commission chairman (George Chiweshe) has blamed the delay on the complexity of the vote -- for president, for members of parliament and for local officials -- and the need to verify results.

Mr. Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since it gained independence in 1980. He was opposed in the election by Mr. Tsvangirai and independent candidate Simba Makoni, a former Mugabe ally who broke with the ruling party.

The president's opponents say Zimbabwe needs new leadership. The country's economy has collapsed, with inflation running at more than 100-thousand percent per year.

If no presidential candidate wins a majority, the two top contenders will compete in a runoff.