이라크 사태 악화…시아파 내 갈등 커져 (E)

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Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has ordered his Shi'ite militias to defy the Baghdad government's surrender order, and his followers say they are fighting on against Iraqi troops.

Sadr told fighters in the Mehdi Army and other Shi'ite groups to keep their weapons until Iraq has a government that will expel U.S. forces from the country.

(Iraqi) Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says Sadr's gunmen are a worse threat to Iraq than al-Qaida terrorists. He ordered Iraq forces to press their drive against Shi'ite fighters in the city of Basra, Iraq's port for oil shipments through the Gulf.

A major military operation is under way in Basra, with U.S. warplanes and teams of coalition soldiers on the ground supporting Iraqi troops.

The U.S. military reported that Iraqi soldiers killed 22 suspected militants Saturday in Basra. The military also released details of another battle (Saturday) in Suwayrah, 40 kilometers south of Baghdad, where Iraqi and U.S. ground forces killed 13 suspected militants. Officials said two multinational force soldiers were killed Saturday when a bomb struck their vehicle in eastern Baghdad.