미 정부, 금융개혁 단행 전망 (E)

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The Bush administration is proposing a sweeping overhaul of the way the U.S. financial industry is regulated, giving broad new powers to the Federal Reserve (the U.S. Central Bank) to ensure market stability.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will formally unveil the proposal on Monday.

The plan gives the Federal Reserve the power to examine the books of financial institutions that are deemed a threat to the country's overall economic stability.

The proposal also gives the Federal Reserve the power to require financial institutions to take corrective action to decrease or avoid risk.

The proposal also consolidates some of the government's regulatory agencies, which experts say failed to prevent the current subprime mortgage meltdown and credit crisis.

The new rules must be approved by Congress.

During his weekly radio address today (Saturday), President Bush expressed confidence an economic stimulus package will help energize the slowing economy, but Democrats say more help is needed.