티베트 승려들 외국 기자단에 ‘자유없다’ 절규 (E)

티베트 승려들이 27일 수도 라싸에서 정부가 안내한 외국기자들을 가로막고 티베트에 자유가 없다고 외쳤습니다.

약 30여명의 불교승려들은 기자들이 조캉사원을 방문했을 때, 기자들을 가로막고 외치다가 중국 관원들에게 끌려 나갔습니다. 심홍색의 승복을 입은 승려들은 최근 항의시위에 가담했다는 주장을 부인했습니다.

지난 1959년 실패로 끝난 봉기기념일인 지난 3월 10일에 티베트 수도 라싸에서 평화적인 시위가 시작됐습니다. 티베트 망명정부는 시위를 진압하기 위해 중국 당국이 무력을 동원하면서 사태가 폭력화됐다고 지적했습니다.

오늘 외국 기자들과 얘기를 나눈 불교승들은 망명한 티베트의 정신적 지도자 달라이 라마가 이번 시위를 배후조종했다는 중국측의 주장을 반박했습니다.

이들은 중국당국에 의해 부당한 대우를 받고 있으며, 사원 안에 갇혀서 밖에 나갈 수가 없다고 말했습니다.


A group of Tibetan monks disrupted a government-led tour for foreign journalists Thursday in Tibet's capital, Lhasa, with some crying and others shouting that Tibet is not free.

About 30 monks interrupted the tour while reporters were visiting Jokang Temple and being escorted by Chinese authorities. Dressed in crimson robes, the monks denied they were involved in recent unrest.

Peaceful demonstrations in Lhasa began March 10th on the anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising against Chinese rule. Tibetan exile groups say the situation worsened and turned violent after Chinese police used force to stop the rallies.

The monks who spoke to journalists today refuted China's accusations that Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, was behind the protests. They said they are being treated unjustly, locked inside the temple and not allowed to leave.

Later, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman in Beijing said he could not confirm whether the monks were being locked up in their monasteries.

The spokesman said the tour for journalists was arranged to give the world an objective understanding of recent incidents in Tibet. Nearly 30 foreign journalists are on the three-day tour. No one from VOA was invited to go along.

Foreign journalists say the police presence in Tibet is heavy and that the smell of burning buildings still hangs in the air. Journalists were allowed only a limited glimpse of Lhasa, but that they did get to see some of the shops that were burned during the protests.

Tibet exile groups say at least 140 people have been killed in the unrest that has spread from the capital to other Tibetan regions in China. Beijing authorities say at least 20 civilians were killed.