부탄 평화번영당 총선서 압승 (E)

어제 히말라야의 부탄에서1백년간의 왕정을 끝내기 위해 치러진 총선에서 평화번영당이 압승했습니다.

부탄 선거관리위원회는 오늘 평화번영당이 하원의석 47개 가운데 44석을 차지했다고 발표했습니다.

왕실과 가까운 국민민주당은 의석 3개를 차지하는데 그쳤습니다.

이에 따라 평화번영당의 지그미 틴리 의장이 차기 총리를 맡을 전망입니다.

Voters in the Himalayan nation of Bhutan have given a landslide victory to the Bhutan Prosperity Party in an election that ended a century of absolute monarchy.

Bhutan's election commissioner (Kunzang Wangdi) announced today (Tuesday) that the party - officially called the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa - won 44 of 47 seats in the lower house of parliament.

Its opponent, the People's Democratic Party, won the other three seats in Monday's election. Voter turnout was nearly 80 percent.

Bhutan Prosperity Party leader Jigmi Thinley - considered sympathetic to the monarchy - is expected to be the country's next prime minister. A spokesman for the party (Palden Tshering) says unifying the country will be a top priority.

Bhutan's 28-year-old king (Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck) led the drive for democracy, which his father proposed nearly two decades ago.