유럽연합 정상회의, 기후변화 방지안 지지 (E)

유럽연합 정상들이 기후변화를 방지하기 위한 야심찬 목표를 지지했습니다.

유럽연합 정상들은 벨기에 브뤼셀에서 이틀동안 열린 회의를 마치며 발표한 성명에서, 오는 2020년까지 온실가스 배출량을 20% 줄인다는 계획을 내년까지 확정 짓기로 했습니다.

유럽연합 정상들은 그러나 이 계획으로 회원국들이 과도한 비용을 부담해서는 안 된다고 밝혔습니다.

European Union leaders have backed ambitious goals to fight climate change but stressed that they must be affordable at a time of economic downturn.

In a statement issued at the conclusion of a two-day summit in Brussels, the leaders pledged to finalize by next year their strategy for a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2020. But they stressed that the cost of the project should not impose excessive costs on EU member states.

Thursday, the leaders accepted a modified version of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's proposal for a new Mediterranean trading bloc that would include North African and Middle Eastern countries.

The French leader won the support of his EU colleagues after accepting changes that eased Germany's concerns that the proposal would undermine EU unity. The leaders instructed EU officials to work out further details by July.