파키스탄 법원 부토 전 총리 남편 부정혐의 기각 (E)

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A Pakistani court has dropped the last corruption charge against Asif Ali Zardari -- the husband of slain former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and the leader of the party that won last month's parliamentary elections.

The court today (Friday) dismissed charges related to a German luxury car that Zardari allegedly imported tax-free. His lawyer (Farooq Naik) said the charge, and six others like it, were politically motivated.

All the charges were dropped as part of an amnesty deal granted last year by President Pervez Musharraf. That amnesty also enabled Zardari and his late wife to return to Pakistan from years in exile.

Zardari says he has no plans to run for prime minister, but today's court decision removes a major obstacle if he decides to pursue the top job.