수단-차드, 평화협정에 서명 (E)

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이슬람회의기구, OIC정상회담에 참석중인 오마르 알-바시르 수단 대통령과 이드리스 데비 차드 대통령은 이날 회의 개최지인 세네갈 수도 다카르의 대통령궁에서 압둘라 와데 세네갈 대통령이 지켜보는 가운데 평화협정에 서명한 후 악수를 나누었습니다.

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The presidents of Sudan and Chad have signed an agreement pledging to stop supporting rebels in each other's country.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and Chadian President Idriss Deby shook hands after signing the deal at the Senegalese presidential palace late Thursday.

The agreement calls for both nations to implement past accords that have so far failed to end hostilities between the neighbors.

Chad and Sudan also agreed to the formation of an observer group led by Libya and the Republic of Congo that will monitor compliance.

The deal came only hours after Chad accused Sudan of backing an alleged new rebel attack against its government. Sudan's deputy foreign minister (Al-Sammani al-Wassila) dismissed that allegation as "nonsense."