미국경제 악화로 세계증시 폭락, 국제유가 신기록 (E)

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앞서 지난 11일 미국과 유럽의 중앙은행들이 2천억 달러이상을 투입해 금융기관들을 지원하겠다고 발표한 후 세계 증시가 급등세를 보였으나, 이번 증시 급락세로 결국 큰 효과를 거두지 못했습니다.

International financial markets are in turmoil again today (Thursday), as investors continue to show concern over the slumping US economy, rising oil prices, and a tightening credit market.

The dollar has fallen below 100 yen for the first time since November 1995, and the euro has topped the one dollar, 56 cent mark for the first time, while oil prices neared a record 110 dollars a barrel. Many Asian markets posted high percentage losses today, including Tokyo, Hong Kong and Taipei.

Investors were shaken by Wednesday's retreat on Wall Street, as well as news that lenders were seizing the assets of a publicly traded mortgage bond fund of U.S.-based private equity giant Carlyle Group.

The losses negated Tuesday's rally in the U.S. after central banks in the U.S. and Europe announced plans to provide more than 200 billion dollars to help ease pressure on banks struggling to cope with lending problems.

The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States also has rocked the global economy.