국제유가, 또 최고치 경신 - 배럴당 109 달러 (E)

국제원유가가 오늘 배럴당 109 달러를 기록해 최고치를 또다시 경신하자, 국제에너지기구가 국제유가의 고공행진이 지속될 것이라고 경고했습니다.

국제에너지기구는 오늘 발표한 보고서에서 세계경제가 고유가 시대에 접어들었다며 국제유가가 배럴당 60달러 아래로 떨어지기는 어려울 것으로 내다봤습니다.

국제유가는 지난 2주동안 계속 치솟아 어제만 두번 최고치를 경신했습니다.

Crude oil prices have surged to a record of 109 dollars a barrel, and the International Energy Agency warns that higher prices are here to stay.

The advisory agency said in its monthly report today (Tuesday) that the world's economy is in an era of higher fuel prices, and that the price of oil is not likely to go back below 60 dollars a barrel.

Oil prices have spiked numerous times over the past two weeks, breaking the record high twice on Monday alone.

Oil is priced internationally in dollars and it gains during a soft U.S. economy. A weak dollar also makes those commodities attractive to buyers using stronger currencies.

Also today, the dollar reached a new low against the euro. One euro is worth one dollar, 55 cents.