‘르완다 인종 대학살 14년, 괄목할 발전 보여’ – 부시 대통령 (E)

올해는 르완다의 소수부족인 투치 족과 다수부족인 온건한 후투 족에 대한 조직적인 학살인 르완다 인종대학살 14주년이 되는 해입니다.

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미국은 수단 다르푸르에 평화유지군을 파견하는 국가들에 1억달러를 지원했습니다. 르완다는 지원을 받는 첫번째 국가의 하나입니다. 미국은 7천명의 르완다 군의 훈련을 담당했습니다. 미국은 르완다 군의 장비와 르완다 군을 다르푸르로 수송하는데 1,700만달러를 제공했습니다. 가나와 세네갈, 이디오피아, 탄자니아, 부르키나 파소, 말라위도 아프리카 평화유지군에 합류했습니다.

부시 대통령은 참혹한 인종 대학살 이후에 르완다가 괄목할만한 회복을 보였다고 지적했습니다. 카가메 르완다 대통령은 미국이 보건과 분쟁 해결과 경제 투자 촉진을 통해 르완다 개발을 지원해 준데 대해 사의를 표했습니다.

부시 대통령은 그들의 개발 과제들을 극복하는 것은 결국 아프리카 인들의 몫이라고 말했습니다.


This year marks the fourteenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide -- the systematic murder of members of Rwanda's Tutsi minority and the moderates of its Hutu majority. The United Nations estimates that eight-hundred thousand to one-million people were killed in the Rwandan genocide.

On a recent trip there, President George W. Bush visited the Kigali Memorial Center. "This is a moving place that can't help but shake your emotions to your very foundation," said Mr. Bush. "It reminds me that we must not let these kinds of actions take place."

In a meeting with President Bush, Rwandan President Paul Kagame [kah-GAH-meh], said, Rwanda is a very different country than it was fourteen years ago. "The Rwandan people," he said, "refused to give up hope, and we have instead embarked on the task of healing, reconstruction, and development."

President Bush and President Kagame signed a bilateral investment treaty. The agreement will provide legal protections for investors in the U.S. and Rwanda.

On the health front, immunization coverage in Rwanda has risen to ninety-five percent. Thanks to American support, thousands of Rwandan children and mothers are alive because of the U.S. AIDS relief program. Malaria has almost been eliminated in Rwanda. As part of the United States' Malaria initiative, the U.S. has distributed four-hundred fifty-thousand bed nets in Rwanda. The U.S. has also set a goal to provide indoor spraying in more than three-hundred fifty-thousand homes.

The United States has made available one-hundred million dollars to assist African nations willing to send peacekeeping troops to Darfur in Sudan. Rwanda was one of the first countries to offer its assistance. The U.S. has helped train more than seven-thousand Rwandan peacekeepers. The U.S. has provided more than seventeen million dollars to equip and transport these forces into Darfur. Ghana, Senegal, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, and Malawi have also offered their assistance.

Rwanda, said President Bush, has made a remarkable recovery after a devastating genocide. Rwandan President Kagame thanked the U.S. for supporting Rwanda's development through investments in health, conflict resolution, and promotion of economic investment. Ultimately, he said, it will be up to Africans to take ownership of their own development challenges.