유엔 안보리 비상임 이사국 일부 이란 제재 반대 (E)

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France's envoy to the United States says some non-permanent members of the U.N. Security Council are delaying agreement on a new sanctions resolution aimed at pressuring Iran to curb its sensitive nuclear activities.

Pierre Vimont said Friday some Council members want to give the International Atomic Energy Agency more time to negotiate with Iran before supporting a new resolution against Tehran. He did not name those countries.

Officials from Germany and the five permanent Council members (the U.S., Britain, France, Russia and China) agreed last week on the text of a third Iran sanctions resolution.

The proposed measure includes a freeze on Iranian assets and a travel ban on specific Iranian officials.

The Security Council has already imposed two sets of sanctions on Iran for its failure to suspend uranium enrichment -- a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons.