‘아프리카 연합, 전면 개편 필요’ (E)

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A new study of the African Union's operations says the organization is plagued by waste, corruption, weak leadership and an unhealthy culture.

African Union leaders asked for the study last July and named a high-level panel led by former U.N. Undersecretary-General Abebayo Adedeji (of Nigeria) to conduct it.

A copy of the panel's report, obtained by VOA, is scathingly critical of the AU's top leadership. It describes the relationship between AU Commission Chairman Alpha Omar Konare and other commissioners as "dysfunctional."

The panel found serious flaws in the operation of several AU bodies, and said the management of financial resources needs a complete overhaul.

The AU Commission on Human and People's Rights was singled out for special criticism. The report said that out of a one-point-one-million dollar allocation for 2006, only 47-thousand dollars was spent on the commission's core mandate.