파키스탄서 폭탄폭발…29명 사상 (E)

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An explosion in the southern Pakistani city Karachi today (Monday) has killed at least nine people.

Police say at least 20 others were wounded when a bomb went off in the city's Quaidabad area.

It is not immediately clear who was behind the attack. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf was in Karachi when the blast took place.

Pakistan has seen a wave of suicide bombings by Islamic militants over the past year -- including one in late December that killed opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in Rawalpindi.

In other violence, Pakistan military officials say fighting in a remote tribal area near the border with Afghanistan has killed 23 Islamic militants and seven Pakistani troops.

A military official says the fighting erupted today when militants attacked a paramilitary convoy in the Mohmand tribal district.

The attack comes just days after Pakistani troops killed a number of militants in a tribal area of nearby South Waziristan as part of an effort to target Taliban and al-Qaida safe havens in the region.