케냐 대선 부정시비 유혈사태 사망자 150명 (E)

서방국가들은 지난달 27일 케냐에서 치뤄진 대통령 선거의 부정시비로 촉발된 소요 사태가 격화되자 케냐 정부에 대한 압력을 강화하고 있습니다.

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야당인 오렌지민주운동의 라일라 오딩가 후보 측은 대선 결과가 음와이 키바키 대통령의 재선을 위해 조작됐다고 주장했습니다.

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Western countries are stepping up diplomatic pressure on Kenya as the death toll from post-election violence rises, and the country struggles to resolve disputes over President Mwai Kibaki's victory.

The United States and the European Union have voiced concern over the vote count in the race. And now, several members of Kenya's electoral commission are calling for an independent inquiry into the results.

Opposition candidate Raila Odinga and his party say the results of last Thursday's presidential election were rigged to make sure incumbent President Kibaki was the winner.

Police raids and tribal violence in the past few days have claimed the lives of at least 150 people. Some reports say the death toll is much higher.

A worker at a mortuary in the city of Kisimu said that more than 100 bodies were lying on the ground there.