이-팔 평화회담 진전 방안 합의 (E)

이스라엘의 에후드 올메르트 총리와 팔레스타인의 마흐무드 압바스 자치정부 수반은 27일 중동평화회담의 진전방안에 합의했습니다.

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Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have agreed to proceed with newly revived peace talks, despite an unresolved dispute over Israeli settlement construction.

Officials for both sides say the two leaders pledged during talks in Jerusalem today (Thursday) to continue peace negotiations. The meeting between Mr. Olmert and Mr. Abbas was the first since they agreed to relaunch talks at a U.S.-sponsored peace conference (in the eastern U.S. city of Annapolis, Maryland) last month.

Officials say both parties agreed today not to take any steps that could prejudice the outcome of talks.

But an Israeli official said Mr. Olmert did not promise to freeze construction on settlements that are already under way. Israel has announced plans to expand its settlements in East Jerusalem, which the Palestinians claim for a future state.

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat says the construction violates the internationally backed "roadmap" peace plan on which the negotiations are based.