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A U.S. official says Iran has reined in the Shi'ite militias it supports in Iraq, contributing to a sharp drop in sophisticated roadside bomb attacks.

In an interview with the Washington Post (published today/Sunday), the State Department's top official on Iraq, David Satterfield, says Iran has decided "at the most senior levels" to restrain Shi'ite militants.

Satterfield says the flow of roadside bombs from Iran may not have stopped, but he says the drop in their use and a decline in overall attacks must be attributed to an Iranian policy decision.

The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq says about one quarter of the Sunni militiamen recruited to fight al-Qaida will eventually join the Iraqi army or police.

General David Petraeus says the rest will be given vocational training to help them find jobs.

He said in an interview today (Sunday) on U.S. television (Fox News) that the U.S.-led coalition is working with the Iraqi government to determine the future of the Sunni militias. General Petraeus says the issue is "problematic" in some areas, particularly near Baghdad.

Iraqi Defense Minister Abdul-Qadir Obaidi said Saturday that his government will not allow the Sunni militias, known as Awakening Councils, to become a separate military organization in the country. Obaidi is himself a Sunni in a Shi'ite-dominated government.